Tuesday, October 12, 2010

things that stink & some encouragement

To get through chemo without Fred having to hold Brian down we have been doing a lot of positive talk to Brian. We repeatedly say things like, "you're the bravest boy we know" or "not a lot of four year olds could do what you do...you're the best four year old in the world!" etc. So, after his marathon appointment on Friday Brian said no less then 205 times, "I'm was the bravest boy when I got my butterfly out." (that would be the needle used to access his port.) Every single time we reaffirm just how wonderful Brian is and what a trooper he has been. We even initiate the compliments and out of no where we will tell him just how brave he is and how wonderful he has been.
   So on Friday we kept pumping Brian up on how brave he will be about getting his port accessed for his MRI. We were thrilled when we discovered they would not be accessing his port, but would be putting in an IV after he was asleep with the gas. Brian, supposedly, would never know. No needles, that was what the anesthesiologist told him. When it was time for B to go into the MRI room they let me carry him to the door then took him crying and upset. They put our scared little boy on the table and shut the door in our faces. Brian was really upset. We didn't like it either. We were comforted that Brian would not be remembering it. Supposedly the medicines he was to be given had an amnesia effect. Well, imagine my horror when later that night Brian said, "I was so brave when they put my mask on me. Remember, Mommy, when I was in the room by myself. They made me breath my mask. I was so brave. The doctors are so mean to not let you come in."

He also woke up from his sedation requesting his IV to be removed- no needles, remember! He doesn't understand that the doctor was saying no needles initially.

These are just things that stink.

Things that encourage...

I took a picture of Brian with all the cards, pictures and banner that the students at Covenant Christian School made for Brian. I sent the picture to my dad and he posted as part of the slide show at the beginning of chapel and the evening church service. Thank you to EVERYONE who continues to lift us up in prayer and support us through communicating with Brian. He loves receiving all the mail!


Unknown said...

I love you Schreibers!!!!!

Missy said...

Aimee Kate is now praying by name for B!