Friday, March 8, 2013


Brian had an MRI today. It was scheduled for 11:00 AM with check in at 10:00 AM. We went to chemo at 9:00 AM, then headed to check in with MRI. It was horrible scheduling for a child because Brian hadn't eaten since dinner the night before. (He can't eat or drink because he has to do his MRI's with sedation). Of course they were running an hour and a half behind schedule so the poor boy had to sit hungry and thirsty until we went back got checked in, and got his versed at around noon.

  Brian had a loose tooth that was ready to come out and it had to be removed before they could intubate him. The anesthesiologist said she would pull it after they gave Brian Propofol and save the tooth for us. (The anesthesiologist was super great with Brian when we checked in with her and she gave him Versed before taking him back like we requested. She was very patient and engaged Brian in conversation on his level. She even let him play Angry Birds on her phone while we waited for the Versed.)
  When we were taken to Brian's bed in recovery he woke up vomiting blood. It was very upsetting, but after a couple of minutes the nurse reminded us that he had a tooth taken out. It must have bled down his throat during the procedure. Since they had already de-accessed his port we were unable to get him some anti nausea medicine until he was awake enough to swallow a pill of Zofran. Brian already being de-accessed is a result of a whole other story that I will not get into on the blog. Let's just summarize it by saying that in the past I have de-accessed Brian's port in recovery, and Fred and I have an AMA (leaving the ER Against Medical Advice) and a formal complaint under our belt from a recent ER experience at Sacred. We will not tolerate poor care for little Brian. Pretty sure the words we exchanged with the MRI check in nurse ruffled her feathers and she made sure he was de-accessed before we got back there. STRESS. Poor Brian continued to throw up even after we got home. He was fine by bedtime, but it is so sad to see our sweet Brian go through so much unnecessary drama.

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