Even before Brian got the throw ups today he has started to show some signs of the chemo slowing him down. Nowadays it is not uncommon for him to just go plop himself down somewhere and fall asleep. Sometimes he will even say he just wants to go get in his bed. Here is a picture of Brian asleep on our church pew. (It's at our house not a church. It's from Carrie's church that her Daddy was the pastor of . Carrie grew up at the church and married Fred in that church. Carrie's uncle Rod cut the pew down to size. It's special. Brian has claimed it as a special spot too.)
One of Brian's things he has become pretty obsessed with since chemo round one is being in small spaces. I don't know if it a control issue or what. It is kinda like he prefers to be in a small kingdom where he feels safe and in charge. He HATES when the other kids mess up his "cage" or "dog house". Those are just some of the names he calls his tight spaces. Here is a series of pictures of Brian from the other day. He made himself a cage and happily sat and watched Wall E while eating a bagel. Brian is mildly obsessed with Wall E right now too. He watches the movie at least once a day. He has told us that we are going to name our next baby Eve or Eva after the Wall E movie. We went a head and told him that we would definitely name our next baby Eva Wall E.
Not too far into his movie Brian hopped on the couch and fell asleep. It doesn't take much to tire him out.
William and Brian are best buddies. They are almost 14 months apart. They miss each other when they are apart and are excited to be reunited. They share a room and typically chat/play/bond for about 35 minutes to an hour every night before bed. We had to start putting them in bed a little early because we didn't want them to miss out on this time. It is truly sweet brotherly love. When Brian got sick last year we moved the baby monitor into the boy's room. It was soooo much fun to sit and listen to their conversations and encouragement to each other. That made us want to give the boys their bonding time. Of course they are not perfect and there are some nights we have to go in and say "No talking. Go to bed!" We can typically tell when the night is going to go down hill. I digress. Recently Brian has started falling asleep as soon as he gets in bed. Plus he has been a bit moody lately. William takes this personally and gets frustrated at Brian for being so mean to him. While we do correct Brian when he is out of line and don't allow him to be mean, William has been convinced that Brian doesn't like him. Plus he thinks Brian is getting some special time with Mommy and Daddy then a trip to Toys R Us for a new toy each week. To resolve any uncertainty William may have had we took him with us to Brian's appointment on Friday. It all became clear that Brian was not having fun with Mommy and Daddy and didn't get a new toy each week. In fact William has been so compassionate and understanding of what Brian has to go through. When we got home from the appointment William gave Brian his medal for being such a brave boy. Mission accomplished. I think Miss Ansley will go next week! In all seriousness it was good for Brian too. He really liked having William there supporting him and offering encouragement.
LOVE the pics and stories, Carrie. Thanks for sharing!! They're truly precious.